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driver for S21E

  • Detail

    S21E driver runs on one lithium cell.

    S21E driver for XHP50 - 6V 3A boost
    S21E driver for SST40 / SFT40 / 519A [regular] - 3V 6A linear
    S21E driver for SST40 / SFT40 [Anduril 1.0] - 3V 8.5A max (FET)
    S21E driver for 519A [Anduril 1.0] - 3V 6A FET
    S21E driver for B35AM / 719A - 6V 2.2A boost

    Mode operation instructions [Regular]:

    1.click the button  ——>  flashlight is turned on with last brightness ——> press the button,brightness ramping up ——> release and press the button again,brightness ramping down

    2.flashlight off, press the button  ——>  moonlight mode   (0.2%)   [This brightness will not be remembered]

    3.flashlight on or off, 2-click the button  ——>  turbo 100%

    4.flashlight off,3-click the button   ——>  strobe

    5.flashlight off,4-click the button   ——>  tactical mode, only 100% ,4-click the button again to quit tactical mode.

    6.flashlight off,5-click the button   ——>  voltage detection  (* means "flash" ,  *** pause ******* means 3.7V, )

    7.flashlight off,6-click the button   ——>  normal ramping mode switch to 4modes 1%-10%-40%-100%

    8.flashlight off,10-click the button   ——>  Lock mode,The flashlight will flash once under any operation, which means the flashlight is locked.10-click the button again to quit lock mode,Please note that this is the only way to unlock.

    The flashlight has low voltage protection and temperature control protection.

    Mode operation instructions [Anduril 1.0]:
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